
Monday, December 21, 2009

Something Meaningful

Happen on 19th Dec 2009

Heard from my friends there are some strange thing happened to his staff and find a sifu in labu seremban to cure the girls. If you know me, normally i don't keep interest and try to intro to other friends, but something to make interesting is i quite a agree on the sifu when he try to consultation to the girls.

He is someone who are talk true, logical thinking but some time he also no logic while he doing some "magic" and the most important is educated person.

So i give up my colleague friends gathering and i fetch my girls friends family to seremban and meet this sifu with Chew (my friend).

For this is sigu is doing for charity, so no ang pao and buy thing for him, but of cause he only will help ppl who are really need to help, meaning can't ask 4d from him :)

After waiting 3 hour in one of the restaurant, the place he do the magic, the environment is total bright like normally day light. Surprise ler ~~~ me also think like dark dark 1....

After he magic, without asking my gal friend any information and touching touching, just ask her where pain, he can know what happened to my girl friend in last 22 years. GENG !!!! can help her cure the pain even the extra bond (guk ci = cantonese) also can disappear in few sec... after he do the magic...

Until today my gal friend fell better, no like last time always said very cool, now her body is become better, her back bond no pain (this pain was more than 3 years in her body cause by her dancing).

That Sifu me total solute !! No ask you drink any potion, no touch you, no ask your name and birthday, totally bright environment, alot of people can see you while magic, he only need is his finger pointing to the normal restaurant table and finally no any chinese drawing.

That day i end up to KL is 6am....but now my gal friends feel better. Good lolz, and thanks sifu !!!! God bless u ~~


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